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summarize one中文是什么意思

用"summarize one"造句"summarize one"怎么读"summarize one" in a sentence


  • 总结工作


  • Also , each student is responsible for summarizing one of the readings in the second half of the semester
  • All of the oral presentations are here summarized one by one and some key scientific subjects and the development in the field are abstracted
  • Firstly , based on the synthesizing and deepening on theories of government regulation inside and outside of china , this research topic summarized one of the most important measures of food safety is government regulation
  • During the time of knowledge economy , university will be in the center of society and the spirit of innovation is the core of quality of talents . only by innovating can institution of higher education fit , lead and reform future society . education is the last stronghold of planned economy so higher education institution transform becomes the chief melody at the early of new century . this article probe into various problems about it , using theory and case as study method , choosing the period of establishing and intergrating of market economy as study background . so that it can summarize one path of higher education modernization to guide the practice of higher education institution transform
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